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Will indigenous wisdom or technology save our world?

A feature-length documentary that takes on our world's individual, social, and environmental challenges from two distinct perspectives. It follows the journey of the unlikely friendship between Arregoces, a young indigenous Kogi from the mountains of Columbia, and Lucas, a German author and social entrepreneur.


As Lucas embarks on his journey across Europe, Arregoces introduces us to the last intact pre-Columbian society in South America, situated in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, also known as the heart of the world. They keep their ancient wisdom tradition alive and have decided to end their isolation and speak to the outside world.

They claim that only by working together with them, can we create a future worth living. But how can this be achieved?


The Mamos

Preserving the sacred and revealing the unseen

The mamos are also known as the ears and eyes of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia and are known for their exceptional abilities in various fields. They have mastered the art of agriculture and are spiritual leaders who are revered for their wisdom and knowledge of the natural world. They understand that everything in the universe is interconnected, and strive to maintain harmony and balance between humans and nature. They perform rituals and ceremonies to communicate with the natural world and offer guidance to their communities, as well as scientists of our modern world.

Overall, the Kogi mamos are a vital part of the Sierra Nevada ecosystem and play a crucial role in preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

The Conference

A direct cultural exchange in Paris at the PAUA Conference

The Kogi, renowned for their unique perspective, were graciously extended an invitation to the PAUA conference, attended in pairs. Their presence brought forth a remarkable series of profound inquiries that left some of the industry's most prominent leaders grappling for thoughtful responses. This exchange ignited a discourse, a discourse that is often overlooked within the confines of the narrow Western worldview.

"How does a technology look like, that doesn't need to extract things out of the earth"

Ana Maria Zarabata